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The Kensington Runestone is evidence exploration of North America or merely a sophisticated hoax?

The Kensington Runestone has long intrigued historians, linguists, and scholars. The authenticity of the Runestone has been hotly debated: is it genuine evidence of early European exploration of North America, or merely a sophisticated hoax from the 19th century?

Kensington Runstone
Kensington Runstone

Discovery of the Kensington Runestone

The Kensington Runestone stands as an imposing granite slab, towering nearly six feet tall and weighing in at a hefty 200 pounds. Its surface bears an inscription of 82 runic characters, an ancient writing system employed by the Nordic peoples. Alongside the runic script, the stone features intricate carvings of a ship, a cross, and a sun. 

Kensington Runestone
Kensington Runestone

The Kensington Runestone was found by Swedish immigrant Olof Ohman in 1893 while clearing land on his farm in Douglas County, Minnesota. Ohman claimed that he had unearthed the stone from the roots of a tree, and he initially believed that the markings on it were Native American symbols. However, upon closer inspection, he realized that the symbols were runes, the ancient writing system of Scandinavia. Ohman showed the stone to several local Scandinavian scholars, and the inscription was eventually translated by Swedish philologist Hjalmar Holmquist. 

Gilbert Hanson, Olof Ohman, and John Eklaun
Gilbert Hanson, Olof Ohman, and John Eklaun

What is written on the Kensington Runestone?

The Kensington Runestone contains a long runic inscription of about 30 lines, describing the journey of a group of Norsemen in the 14th century. The generally accepted translation of those runes reads:

“We are 8 Goths [Swedes] and 22 Norwegians on an exploration journey from Vinland through the West. We had camp by a lake with 2 skerries [small rocky islands] one day’s journey north from this stone. We were out and fished one day. After we came home we found 10 of our men red with blood and dead. AVM [Ave Virgo Maria, or Hail, Virgin Mary] save us from evil. We have 10 of our party by the sea to look after our ships, 14 days’ journey from this island. Year 1362.”

Inscription Kensington Runestone
Inscription Kensington Runestone

This compelling story captured imaginations, not just in the US, but around the world. And thus the Kensington stone mystery was born. Debate as to the authenticity of the Minnesota runestone began almost immediately and in earnest, with experts on both sides presenting their arguments in newspaper articles and books. Academics examined everything from the geology, inscription and the weathering of the rock, to the background of its finder. What’s more, controversy still persists today. So, what are the arguments on each side?

Is it a genuine relic or an elaborate hoax?

The Case For Authenticity

Those who believe the American runestone is real can point to the exceptional evidence that the Vikings had travelled to North America. Indeed there are remains of a Viking settlement dating back to around 1000 AD at the Newfoundland site of L’Anse aux Meadows. However, this is more than 2,500 miles east of where the Minnesota runestone was discovered. Did they make it so far inland?

The answer is, possibly.

In fact, possible Viking campsites and Norse-looking tools have been found along the 750-mile route between Saskatchewan in Canada and Sauk Centre in Minnesota.

Quintuple-scale replica of the Kensington stone, erected 1951 in Alexandria
Quintuple-scale replica of the Kensington stone, erected 1951 in Alexandria

Another point in favour of the runestone’s authenticity is the lack of proof of a forgery. Its finder, Olof Öhman, was relatively uneducated and was unlikely to have had the requisite geological skills to have carved such intricately-worded and accurate markings. What’s more, he didn’t ask for money, try to sell it or court fame. And there is no suggestion of anyone else producing it.

The Case Against Authenticity

The general consensus today is that the Kensington Runestone was a fake. The evidence for this includes the following factors:

The State of the Stone

The Kensington Runestone was in excellent condition. The rock was supposedly lying face-down in cold, damp earth for 536 years yet it showed very little sign of weathering. In 2016, geologist Harold Edwards commented that ‘the inscription is about as sharp as the day it was carved’.

The Context

At the time the stone was found, there was a great deal of interest in the early Scandinavians’ foray onto the North American continent. In 1893 a full-sized replica of a Viking ship sailed from Norway to the US, stealing the show at the World’s Columbian Expo to prove the journey was possible.

Andres Andrews of the National Museum staff shows the Kenington Runestone to Lislotte Paulson in 1948.
Andres Andrews of the National Museum staff shows the Kenington Runestone to Lislotte Paulson in 1948.

The Finder

Much doubt has been cast on the bona fides of the man who found the stone, Olof Öhman. That a Norse American runestone should happen to be found by a Swedish-American has been approached with much scepticism. Especially as Öhman did own a book on runes.

The Runes

The language of the runes has come under attack as much closer to 19th than 14th century Swedish. This has led academics, including some of the 20th century’s most renowned Scandinavian linguists and historians, to dismiss it as a forgery ‘of recent date’.

Carved double-sided image of the Kensington Runestone.
Carved double-sided image of the Kensington Runestone.

The Kensington Runestone remains a controversial and enigmatic artifact. The ongoing debate over its authenticity highlights the challenges of archaeological interpretation and the impact that historical artifacts have on our understanding of the past. Until conclusive evidence emerges, the stone will continue to be a subject of fascination and skepticism, embodying the complex interplay of history, archaeology, and mythology.

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