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The “rock” worth over 2 billion USD is monitored 24/7 in China, an open treasure many dream of

At the entrance of the Suichang National Mine Park in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China, there is a golden-hued “rock” weighing over 45 tons, which intrigues many visitors. Interestingly, despite its open display and immense value, this “rock” worth billions remains untouched by thieves, surprising many people.

An overview of Suichang National Mine Park

According to Sohu, Suichang National Mine Park in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, is a mine park with a long history in China. Historical records from the Song Dynasty indicate that during the Yuanfeng era of the Northern Song Dynasty, gold and silver ores were mined and smelted in the Suichang area. By 1976, Suichang National Mine Park was officially established.

Suichang National Mine Park in Lishui City, Zhejiang is a mining park with a long history in China.
Suichang National Mine Park in Lishui City, Zhejiang is a mining park with a long history in China.

Today, it is also a major national gold production enterprise in China, integrating entertainment, resort, business meetings, knowledge exploration, mystery discovery, and tourism. Known as “the first gold mine south of the Yangtze River,” Suichang National Mine Park has become a popular tourist attraction and a 4A-level scenic spot in the country.

The origin and excavation process of the rock

The stone block was discovered by archaeological experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences while examining the Suichang Gold Mine, in Zhejiang province.
The stone block was discovered by archaeological experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences while examining the Suichang Gold Mine, in Zhejiang province.

According to Sohu, this special rock is a massive gold ore discovered by archaeologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences while inspecting the Suichang Gold Mine in Zhejiang Province. The experts attempted to dig up the gold ore when they found it, but their efforts failed due to its enormous size. Eventually, they had to resort to modern technology to extract it. Everyone was astonished when they witnessed the colossal size of the gold ore.

Characteristics and Value of the Rock

According to data from experts, this gold ore weighs approximately 45 tons. However, it is not pure gold but contains silver as well. The gold content is about 216.7 grams per ton, while the silver content is 3,677 grams. Despite this, the value of the gold ore is still very high, estimated by experts to be around 12 billion RMB

This gold ore weighs about 45 tons. However, it is not pure gold but also contains silver.
This gold ore weighs about 45 tons. However, it is not pure gold but also contains silver.

Why does no one dare to steal this highly valuable rock?

Today, it is placed near the walkway of the Suichang National Mine Park, attracting thousands of visitors to admire and explore.

Many people might wonder why such a highly valuable treasure is left out in the open at the entrance of the National Mine Park in China, without fear of it being stolen.

The gold ore found was the largest single gold ore discovered in the world at that time.
The gold ore found was the largest single gold ore discovered in the world at that time.

However, the answer they receive is that there is no need to worry about this issue, as the gold ore is under the watchful supervision of a dedicated team of staff who ensure its safety day and night. Additionally, moving such a massive piece of ore is extremely difficult, requiring significant time and advanced machinery to accomplish. Therefore, the possibility of someone stealing it is almost zero.

The significance of the rock

The discovery and excavation of this massive treasure is considered a significant achievement for Chinese experts. The reason is that the gold ore found is the largest single gold ore ever discovered in the world at that time.

Furthermore, this 45-ton gold ore is not only valuable economically but also holds significant cultural and historical importance. Placing it at the Suichang National Mine Park serves a purpose. Therefore, everyone who knows about this gold ore shows respect and a strong sense of responsibility in protecting this national treasure.

The discovery of the massive gold ore at Suichang National Mine Park is a monumental achievement, showcasing China’s advanced archaeological expertise. Not only is it a testament to the country’s rich mineral resources, but it also holds immense cultural and historical significance. This 45-ton treasure continues to attract countless visitors, serving as a symbol of national pride and the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

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