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Discovery of Thousands of Bone Fragments Provides Deep Insight into the Lives of Denisovans

In 2010, archaeologists stumbled upon a hidden limestone cave on the Tibetan Plateau, unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge about an enigmatic branch of the Homo genus: the Denisovans. By meticulously analyzing thousands of bone fragments unearthed from the cave, scientists have begun to piece together the puzzle of their lives, culture.

Illustration of Denisovan people hunting animals in the Ganjia basin, the northeastern edge of the Tibetan plateau in China\'s Gansu province.
Illustration of Denisovan people hunting animals in the Ganjia basin, the northeastern edge of the Tibetan plateau in China's Gansu province.

Thousands of bone fragments discovered in a cave on the Tibetan Plateau in China are providing valuable insights into the lives of Denisovans, the mysterious extinct cousins of Neanderthals and our species. These findings show they hunted a wide range of animals from sheep to woolly rhinoceros in this high-altitude abode.

Research from Baishiya Karst Cave

Researchers studied more than 2,500 bones found inside Baishiya Karst Cave, which is situated 10,760 feet (3,280 meters) above sea level. This site previously yielded Denisovan fossil remains. They used ancient protein analysis on these bones to reveal that the Denisovans exploited various animals for their meat and skins. A rib bone from a Denisovan individual, dating to 48,000-32,000 years ago, was also identified, making it the youngest Denisovan fossil yet known.

Scientists work inside Baishiya Karst Cave, where the remains of an extinct ancient human species called Denisovans as well as the bones of blue sheep and many other animals were discovered, on the northeastern edge of the Western Highlands Tibet is in Gansu province of China.
Scientists work inside Baishiya Karst Cave, where the remains of an extinct ancient human species called Denisovans as well as the bones of blue sheep and many other animals were discovered, on the northeastern edge of the Western Highlands Tibet is in Gansu province of China.

Abundance of Animal Species in the Cave

Most of the bones were identified as belonging to blue sheep, also called bharal, a goat species still seen on high slope mountains and cliffs in the Himalayas. Other bones came from woolly rhinos, yaks, small mammals like marmots, birds, and even the spotted hyena, a large carnivore that prowled the Ganjia Basin region.

The Baishiya Karst Cave entrance in China is only the second site to bear evidence of Denisovan settlement.
The Baishiya Karst Cave entrance in China is only the second site to bear evidence of Denisovan settlement.

This area was a grass landscape with small forested patches, teeming with life despite harsh conditions. Evidence of butchering for meat, bone marrow extraction, and skinning activities was found on various bones. Additionally, researchers discovered four tools fashioned from animal bone, likely used in processing animal carcasses.

Understanding the Subsistence Behaviors of Denisovans

“This is the first time we have gotten an understanding of the subsistence behaviors of Denisovans, and it shows us they were highly capable of accessing and utilizing a wide range of animal resources,” said University of Copenhagen molecular anthropologist Frido Welker, one of the leaders of the research published in the journal Nature.

Illustration of a Denisova man
Illustration of a Denisova man

“I think the diverse animal remains found in Baishiya Karst Cave suggest that this location offered relatively better resources compared with the neighboring higher Tibetan Plateau to the west and the Chinese Loess Plateau to the north, especially in the glacial period,” said archeologist Dongju Zhang of Lanzhou University in China, another study leader.

Wide Geographic Dispersal of Denisovans

The existence of Denisovans was unknown until researchers in 2010 announced the discovery of their remains in Denisova Cave in Siberia. Genetic evidence showed them to be a sister group to Neanderthals, the stoutly built extinct archaic humans who inhabited parts of Eurasia. Both groups had significant interactions with Homo sapiens, including interbreeding, before vanishing for reasons not fully understood.

Two bones recovered from Baishiya cave: a Denisovan rib fragment (top) and a spotted hyena vertebra (bottom).
Two bones recovered from Baishiya cave: a Denisovan rib fragment (top) and a spotted hyena vertebra (bottom).

“From genetics, we know they diverged from Neanderthals around 400,000 years ago,” Welker said.

Denisovans are known only from dental remains and bone fragments from the Baishiya Karst and Denisova caves and Cobra Cave in Laos, demonstrating a wide geographic dispersal.

Ability to Adapt to Different Environments

Their presence at a high latitude in Siberia, a high altitude on the Tibetan Plateau, and a subtropical location in Laos “implies that Denisovans had high flexibility to adapt to different environments,” Zhang said.

A lower jaw of a Denisovan adolescent previously found at Baishiya Karst is 160,000 years old. Researchers suspect Denisovans were present there as far back as 200,000 years ago. The newly identified rib fragment shows that Denisovans still existed as recently as 48,000-32,000 years ago.

“We don’t know if the rib was from an adult or a child, nor its genetic sex. It is the first time a rib specimen has been identified as a Denisovan. Previous remains are all dental or cranial or mandibular (lower jaw),” Welker said.

The Mystery of Denisovans’ Disappearance

Our species, Homo sapiens, did not populate the Tibetan Plateau until about 40,000 years ago, having first appeared in Africa a bit more than 300,000 years ago. So what happened to the Denisovans?

“Great question. We know so little,” Welker said. “We know that Denisovans interbred with modern humans. We know that based on some Denisovan DNA that is present in the genomes of some modern humans living today. But when, where, and why Denisovans ultimately went extinct, we don’t know anything about.”

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