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48-million-year-old fossil of mysterious snake with an infrared vision

The Messel Pit, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Germany, is renowned for its exceptional fossil preservation from the Eocene epoch, around 48 million years ago. Recent research has uncovered a fascinating fossil snake with an extraordinary ability: infrared vision. This groundbreaking discovery, led by Krister Smith from the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt and Agustín Scanferla from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Argentina, offers profound insights into the early evolution of snakes and their sensory capabilities. Published in the scientific journal Diversity in 2020, their study provides a new perspective on ancient ecosystems and the development of sensory organs in reptiles.

Constrictor snakes commonly occurred in the Messel Pit 48 million years ago.
Constrictor snakes commonly occurred in the Messel Pit 48 million years ago.

The Messel Pit is a unique site where fossilized remains from the Eocene epoch are exceptionally well-preserved, offering a rare glimpse into prehistoric life. Among the numerous fossils found at this site, complete skeletons of snakes are particularly rare. However, the Messel Pit has yielded four remarkably well-preserved snake species, making it a treasure trove for paleontologists.

The fossil in question, initially classified as Palaeopython fischeri, has been reclassified into a new genus, Eoconstrictor. This reclassification highlights its relationship to the South American boas and underscores its significance in understanding snake evolution. Eoconstrictor fischeri was previously named after former German minister Joschka Fischer by Stephan Schaal in 2004. The new classification, revealed in the 2020 study, positions this species within a distinct lineage of ancient constrictors.

Fossil of E. fisheri.
Fossil of E. fisheri.

The most striking feature of Eoconstrictor fischeri is its ability to perceive infrared radiation. This ability, akin to that found in modern pit vipers and boas, allows the snake to detect heat signatures from its surroundings. While contemporary snakes use pit organs to create a thermal map of their environment, Eoconstrictor fischeri had pit organs only on its upper jaw. Unlike modern pit vipers, which use their infrared vision primarily for hunting warm-blooded prey, the research suggests that the early pit organs in Eoconstrictor fischeri were likely used to enhance overall sensory awareness rather than for predatory or defensive purposes.

The study also reveals that the diet of Eoconstrictor fischeri consisted mainly of cold-blooded prey, such as crocodiles and lizards, as evidenced by its stomach and intestinal contents. This finding indicates that while the snake possessed advanced sensory capabilities, it did not necessarily prey on warm-blooded animals. Instead, the infrared vision might have provided an evolutionary advantage in navigating its environment and detecting potential threats or opportunities.

Messel Pit UNESCO World Heritage Site. The snake is named after the former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer, who, in conjunction with the German Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), helped to prevent the Messel Pit from being turned into a landfill in 1991 – has been studied in greater detail by Smith and his colleague Agustín Scanferla of the Instituto de Bio y Geosciencia del NOA using a combination of analytical methods
Messel Pit UNESCO World Heritage Site. The snake is named after the former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer, who, in conjunction with the German Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), helped to prevent the Messel Pit from being turned into a landfill in 1991 – has been studied in greater detail by Smith and his colleague Agustín Scanferla of the Instituto de Bio y Geosciencia del NOA using a combination of analytical methods

Dr. Krister Smith, one of the lead researchers, emphasizes the importance of this discovery. “With a length of approximately 50 centimeters, two of the four snake species from the Messel Pit were relatively small; however, Eoconstrictor fischeri could grow to more than two meters. This species, while primarily terrestrial, was likely capable of climbing trees,” Smith notes. The discovery sheds light on the biodiversity of the Eocene ecosystem, illustrating the complexity and adaptability of early snakes.

The discovery of the fossil snake with infrared vision from the Messel Pit represents a significant breakthrough in our understanding of snake evolution and sensory development. By revealing the advanced sensory capabilities of ancient reptiles, this study enhances our knowledge of prehistoric ecosystems and the evolutionary history of snakes. The Messel Pit continues to be a source of valuable scientific insights, demonstrating how paleontology can illuminate the mysteries of life on Earth. This remarkable find not only enriches our appreciation of ancient biodiversity but also underscores the importance of preserving and studying fossil sites that offer windows into our planet’s distant past.

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